
Giovanni Geraci

Associate Professor

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Telefonica Research


Model-based and data-driven cell optimization for 3D coverage and capacity

Time: Thursday, May 2nd 2024, 11:15 – 12:00



Traditional cellular deployments, optimized for 2D ground service, necessitate re-engineering of the existing infrastructure to provide reliable aerial connectivity. Optimizing cellular antenna settings is complex due to the interdependence of these parameters, with ground-aerial coverage and capacity representing conflicting objectives. In this talk, we discuss model-based and data-driven strategies for designing cellular networks that serve both ground users and aerial corridors.



Giovanni Geraci is a Principal Research Scientist at Telefonica, an Associate Professor at UPF Barcelona, and serves as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He was previously with Nokia Bell Labs and holds a dozen patents on wireless technologies. He received the IEEE Communications Theory Technical Committee Early Achievement Award (2023), the IEEE ComSoc EMEA Outstanding Young Researcher Award (2018), and Best Paper Awards at IEEE Globecom (2022) and PIMRC (2019).